Herzlich Willkommen!
My first homepage is also very interesting and designed for everybody.
The first address is: www.ursulasabisch.netsempress.net
Please let the German-language documents be translated in many languages and be handed over to the corresponding places.
The writings of my person are to be understood not as special offers in the final sales, but rather extremely precious and untouchable!
My activity is also extremely rare, untouchable and not as a special offer to understand, but as an offer, that requires an accordingly high consideration of everybody for everybody else!
Besides in the true sense of the word it is about a work of art, that is capable of development that everybody may improve, embellish, or extend, but then, please, not any longer at the expenses of my person!
Nevertheless, at the same time I would not like to withhold from you that there will be and must be a tit-for-tat response for most citizens of Luebeck, which my person will start.
Furthermore as a basic there are radical enactments already prepared that will change the culture worldwide.
Neither to me nor to the Third World there was conceded an appropriate status; on the contrary and that is why you and others have to feel it by the consequences!
Meine erste Homepage ist ebenfalls sehr interessant und für jedermann gedacht. Die erste Adresse lautet:
Gleichzeitig möchte ich jedoch nicht verschweigen, dass es eine Retourkutsche für die meisten Bürger Lübecks geben wird und geben muss, die meine Person einleiten wird.
Des Weiteren liegen radikale Beschlüsse als Grundlage bereit, welche die weltweite Kultur verändern werden. Mir und der Dritten Welt wurde kein entsprechender Status eingeräumt, ganz im Gegenteil, und das werden Sie und andere zu spüren bekommen müssen!
Next Homepage: www.netsempress.net
Das Weltkulturerbe und der Schock.
The World-Cultural-Heritage and the Shock.
For additional information see: Ursula Sabisch - World-Cultural-Heritage (wv.to)